We love STEAM at Lyonsdown and just because we aren’t ‘in school’ doesn’t mean we haven’t encouraged all of our pupils to develop their knowledge and interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. We may be missing our Science Lab, but pupils have enjoyed virtual lessons with our Science teacher, Mrs Murphie.
Here’s what they have been up to:
2S and 2T have been learning about properties of materials. They have investigated with several solids and compared a group of solid objects for stretchiness.
Year 3 are just beginning their unit on rocks and are looking forward to learning about the rock cycle.
Year 4 children used their learning about food groups to organise their own food in the kitchen by nutrients. Well done! I think we all enjoyed this activity. We are also reading a great book in PSHCE called ‘Cliffhanger’ by Jaqueline Wilson.
Year 5 have learnt about the orbit of the earth around the sun and how the tilt of the earth gives rise to the seasons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. They have also learned about the changing length of days and have dealt with some new and challenging scientific vocabulary – summer and winter ‘solstice’ and ‘equinox’. What a clever class!
Year 6 have been learning about microbes this week. We have found out about bacteria, viruses and fungi. Pupils have made their own posters on how to stop the spread of disease. This unit seems a little more relevant this year, as we have all seen so much information about the COVID-19 virus on the television news.