A Successful Start to Remote Education

It’s been a different start of term for our School community – but it’s been wonderful for all of our classes to come together via Remote Education, as well as seeing our key worker children and Pre-Reception girls in school. I am incredibly proud of how quickly all the children have adapted and engaged in their online lessons.  My thanks go out to all of our staff for adapting to this immense task once again, and also to all of you, our parents and guardians, for all of your on-going support at home.

Live lessons are now well and truly underway – with the children enjoying a variety of subjects.  So far, our Reception girls have enjoyed ‘Read, Write. Inc.’ as well as Maths, Handwriting, PE and Music. On top of all their other learning, Year 1 have also enjoyed live lessons in Modern Foreign Languages and Drama. Year 2 & 5 have taken part in live Science lessons, whilst Year 3 & 4 enjoyed their live Art lessons. As well as all their other live lessons, Year 6 also took part in Computing.

We are looking forward to next week, with all pupils taking part in a full week of live learning with their class teachers and our specialist teachers too. We will endeavour to keep you updated on what is happening throughout the week on our social media channels – so please do follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you don’t already do so.

I hope you all enjoy a restful and safe weekend – ready for more Remote Education next week!

Mrs Stanton-Tonner