The ancient Roman poet Virgil was of the opinion that the greatest wealth is health, and this is something we very much agree with at Lyonsdown. A healthy body cannot be achieved without a healthy mind. With anti-bullying week beginning on Monday, we wanted to focus on well-being throughout the week.
My assembly on Monday and Mrs Young’s assembly on Thursday all showed the importance of why we must all be kind to each other. However, we wanted to look far more broadly at the issue of wellbeing and were delighted to welcome a visiting well-being speaker, Cat Williams, to School on Tuesday. Cat spoke to the girls in the Upper School about how to stay calm when things are difficult and then delivered training to the whole staff about how to support our pupils so they do not become anxious. Cat also spoke to Lyonsdown parents in the latest in our series of termly Parent Talks, giving tips on why it is important to keep confidence high in our children by remaining positive and focusing on effort, rather than attainment. By ensuring home and school work in close partnership, we ensure that the girls and boys at Lyonsdown will continue their learning journey in a supportive atmosphere.
Wellbeing has not always had the exposure that it should, and I am glad that the topic now has greaterprominence. I am delighted that the Duke of Cambridge chose this week to, serendipitously, speak out against the issues caused by over-use of social media. At Lyonsdown, the rules are clear that Facebook, Twitter,Instagram etc. are not platforms that Prep School children should be using, and it is wonderful to know that Lyonsdown parents support this stance at home.
One of the many ways to improve our (child or adult) wellbeing is to do what we love. As well as plenty of hard work in lessons, this week’s calendar saw netball fixtures, a Maths Challenge and the Nursery children supporting Children in Need in their pyjamas. Of course, homework or examination preparation has its important place in the evening or over a weekend, but making the space to spend time with friends or family, pursuing a hobby, or relaxing with a book, is also vital to building up what Vigil would have called wealth. All the best for a relaxing weekend.
C. Hammond
Riddle me this: humans and apes are a breed apart, but how do they oppose all others? A house point awaits you.
(The final riddle before half-term remains unsolved – check out the relevant newsletter to clarify matters and win two house points)