Half-term is a wonderful thing. Yes, the boys and girls (and perhaps teachers) of Lyonsdown enjoy the opportunity to visit museums, parks and trampoline centres but, more importantly, the holiday is a chance to rest and recharge. In true Lyonsdown form, our boys and girls have returned to school buzzing with energy and enthusiasm.
The week started with Caitlin P’s (Year 6) wonderful assembly about Chinese New Year: informative and interesting, pupils and staff learnt a great deal. It is when our senior girls speak with confidence (even if nervous) that a superb example is set. This is but one instance I could give of a Lyonsdown pupil demonstrating one of the broad range of qualities that they possess. They are superb examples to the younger years: just this week, a member of Year 4 told me her role model was a Year 6 girl “because she is kind.”
But children do not become upstanding members of a school community through guidance alone – they must make a choice to take responsibility for their own development. In a Year 1 lesson this week, one girl showed me her English work and said that it had been “hard, but I persevered so I could do it better.” I also spoke to a Year 3 girl about her experiences of Rainbows and Brownies (it is not just in School that Lyonsdown pupils make good choices). This took me back to my Scouting days, as did Year 5’s assembly when they led the whole school in singing a selection of traditional campfire songs. Luckily the girls knew where they came from: “mighty, mighty Lyonsdown” indeed.
On the subject of responsibility, I am delighted to say that the trial of Year 5 and 6 saying farewell to their parents at the main school gate has proven successful. As a result, from now on all Year 5 and 6 girls should walk from the pavement to the playground independently. In addition, we would now like to trial Year 3 and 4 being equally independent and also making the short walk. If you could encourage your daughter to do so it would be much appreciated. Many of the younger children have already made a choice to do so, which is as wonderful as the sight of older children escorting their younger siblings at the beginning of the day.
I sign off with further proof of the excellent choices Lyonsdown children make. Apparently after they have finished their homework, read a few chapters and engaged with the news, watching Star Trek is on the cards for a few. I look forward to hearing about books, current affairs and Captain Picard on Monday.
Separate notice
Thank you to those of you who have completed, signed and returned your consent form for use of images of pupils by the school. If you have misplaced your copy of the letter, please let the office know and a replacement will be sent home.
C. Hammond